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Make association competency models actionable


Part of the value proposition of industry associations is to help members develop excellence in their field.  Because a competency model describes what it looks like to be great in your role, many associations are either developing or promoting their existing competency model.  With the Self-Directed Learning Engine™ (SDLE), you can help members actually engage with it and connect them to the right learning.


Personalize learning activities

Associations often provides free and paid learning resources and activities. Lots of them. Regardless of search capabilities, members often struggle to find specifically what they need. The SDLE ensures that a targeted Personalized Learning Plan is automatically created at the end of the competency self-assessment. Now each person knows just what they need and are one click away from using or buying it.

Drive engagement and annual renewals

  • Drive member capability by making your association competency model actionable
  • Give members a reason to return monthly to your site to work their Individual Development Plan (IDP) and build a habit of learning
  • Ensure awareness of resources and activities they most need through their Personalized Learning Plan
  • Prevent engagement with the wrong resources, which may result in dissatisfaction
  • Make it easy for members to get manager buy-in to learning opportunities
  • Enable people to compare themselves to peer benchmarks
  • Connect people to peer mentors
  • Provide practice tests for certification exams

Drive revenue beyond membership dues

  • Market to the level of one – you’ll know what each member needs
  • Identify optimal packages/deals
  • Know what live events to offer in which geographical areas, with targeted promotion
  • Increase offerings to enterprise customers by offering aggregated enterprise assessment and reporting packages
  • Connect your competency model to conference sessions, driving conference attendance and satisfaction

Get Started Quickly

Our competency development system takes just 2 weeks to implement. We provide everything you need to be successful, including communication toolkits and best practices tailored to all levels of the organization – employees, managers, and leaders.