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Competency-Driven Employee Skills Management System

Discover a one-stop shop for unstoppable workforce development, brought to you by the industry leaders of upskilling and competency development.

Technology and marketplace demands have transformed the world of business: more opportunities are available to more people than ever. However, enterprises that want to compete and thrive through breakneck-speed changes in technology, supply chain, and customer interaction have no choice but to equip their personnel with the tools to meet changing demands for today’s skills.

For your organization to thrive in today’s marketplace, you need an efficient method for upskilling your team. Gone are the days of three-month (or more) skills acquisition: the reality is AI has changed the game, and to win, you – and your team – need to adapt to changing skills demands quickly.

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At SkillDirector, we’re dedicated to helping you thrive through these unprecedented times.

That's why we’ve developed a comprehensive employee skills management system designed to meet the unique needs of organizational development teams, training managers, sales enablement teams, Chief Learning Officers, organizational strategy planners, and sales leadership. Our system helps you identify talent, upskill the right employees, and track progress, all in one easy-to-use platform. 

A Comprehensive Employee Skills Management System with all the Bases Covered

At SkillDirector, we know that leadership teams need to support their teams in their growth which is why you’ll find everything you need in one place with our platform including: 

Competency Models

Streamline Talent Development 

You’ll benefit from a clear framework for identifying and nurturing key skills, enabling targeted training programs that elevate individual and organizational performance. 

Boost Employee Engagement 

Competency models offer a transparent path for career advancement and skill enhancement, empowering employees to take charge of their professional growth and fostering a more motivated and productive workforce. 

Employee and Manager Assessments

Empower Self and Manager Assessments  

Enable both self-assessments and manager assessments to accurately identify current skill levels, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of individual and team capabilities.  

Gain Valuable Insights 

Access detailed insights into the strengths and development areas of your team, helping you make informed decisions that enhance overall productivity and performance.  

Foster Continuous Improvement 

Leverage assessment data to support continuous skill development and career progression, creating a culture of ongoing learning and growth within your organization. 

Skills Proficiency Assessments

Accurately Measure Proficiency Levels 

You'll have the tools to measure and track your employees' proficiency levels, ensuring everyone meets the required standards for their roles.  

Identify and Address Skill Gaps 

Easily pinpoint areas where skills need improvement, allowing you to focus training efforts where they are needed most to boost overall team performance.  

Support Continuous Growth 

Regularly assess skills to ensure ongoing development and adaptability, helping your organization stay competitive, and your employees engage. 

Personalized Development Plans

Tailor Development Plans 

Create personalized development plans based on assessment results, ensuring each employee receives the tailor-made support that empowers them to thrive.  

Focus on Individual Growth 

Concentrating on individual growth and career advancement demonstrates your investment in your employees’ future, creating a motivated workforce ready to achieve their potential.   

Enhance Career Advancement 

Customized plans provide clear pathways for career progression, helping employees see their future within your organization and boosting long-term retention. 

Targeted Training for Specific Skill Gaps

Address Skill Gaps with Targeted Training  

You’ll offer specialized training programs designed to address specific skill gaps, ensuring your team is always equipped with the necessary expertise.  

Boost Performance with Focused Training  

By providing employees with the exact training they need, you’ll ensure they can perform at their best, driving productivity and success.  

Maximize Training Efficiency  

Focus your training resources where they are needed most, maximizing the impact and efficiency of your development efforts. 

SkillDirector: Experience and Expertise that Delivers Big on Benefits

At SkillDirector, we know you have a choice when selecting your employee training system. We go above and beyond to ensure you have the tools you need right at your fingertips at all times so that you can succeed.  

With SkillDirector, you get the following benefits:  

  • Scalable Solutions: Easily scale our employee skills management platform to meet the needs of your entire organization, no matter its size. 

  • Targeted Training for Each Person: Provide relevant and impactful training based on individual needs. 

  • Cost Savings: Avoid unnecessary training expenses by focusing only on areas where there are skill gaps. 

  • Experiential Learning: Promote learning through hands-on experiences and real-world application. 

  • Connecting Mentors and Mentees: Facilitate mentor-mentee relationships to foster knowledge sharing and development. 

  • Enabling Informal Coaching: Support informal coaching opportunities to drive continuous improvement. 

  • Modeling the 70-20-10 Learning Model: Adopt a balanced approach to learning with 70% experiential learning, 20% social learning, and 10% formal training. 

  • Organizational Reporting: Gain insights into the available skills within your organization with detailed reports. 

Employee Skills Management Success Stories

We’re proud to have worked with international businesses in keeping their workforce on the cutting-edge of today’s necessary skills. Some of our success stories include the following:  

A Global Manufacturing Company: 

By identifying key skills that drive sales performance, this company significantly boosted its sales results. 

Medical Center: 

Continuous learning efforts around technology and data security have kept IT group skills up-to-date, enhancing overall security. 

Large University: 

New employee onboarding has been revolutionized through self-directed training classes, ensuring smooth transitions. 

Global Technology Company: 

Thanks to SkillDirector's targeted approach, onboarding new salespeople and upskilling current team members has improved sales outcomes. 

Get Started with SkillDirector’s Employee Training System Today 

If you’re ready to transform your workforce into a cutting-edge team of future-ready Ready to transform your organization’s skills management process? SkillDirector provides the employee skills management tools and insights you need to develop a high-performing workforce. Learn more about how SkillDirector can help you create personalized development plans, offer targeted training, and drive organizational success.