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Upskilling Programs for Financial Enterprises

Equipping Finance HR and Business Leaders with the Tools of the Future

In the ever-changing world of finance, staying updated with the latest advancements is crucial. Ensuring your workforce has the necessary skills to compete is vital for maintaining a competitive edge and providing top-tier financial services. But how do you keep up with the constant changes in the finance sector? The savviest professionals in the industry are turning to upskilling programs.


Investing in Your Workforce

Finance is evolving at an unprecedented rate, with new regulations, technologies, and market trends constantly emerging. In the past, enterprises would recruit fresh talent in the workforce, but this is no longer tenable. No matter when your employees are educated, today’s necessary skills are changing fast, and searching for new talent every time the finance industry is transformed by technology will become more and more costly. A better approach is to find a proven, done-for-you solution to help you identify and train your current workforce.

Upskilling Programs for Financial Professionals

Staying competitive and relevant in the financial sector is challenging enough as it is. Rising to the demand of emerging skills on top of it could possibly overwhelm your resources. That’s why turning to an upskilling program that helps you identify underdeveloped talent and outfit them with today’s necessary skills is a smart answer to today’s technology-driven landscape.

SkillDirector: Your Partner in Finance Upskilling

SkillDirector understands the critical importance of keeping finance professionals' skills current. That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive solution so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to how to upskill your employees.

Our advanced, intuitive platform uplevels your workforce's skills, ensuring they are prepared for the latest finance industry advancement.

How to Upskill Employees in Finance: A Comprehensive Approach


 Identify and Evaluate

Quickly identify the essential skills your finance team requires and assess current skill levels using our AI-driven platform.


Develop Customized Plans

Create personalized development plans that target specific skill gaps and align with both individual and organizational goals.


Implement Targeted Training

Provide focused training through our extensive resources, following the 70-20-10 learning model lifor balanced skill development.


Monitor and Adjust

Track progress and continually refine development plans to ensure your workforce remains adaptable and prepared for future challenges.

Transform your finance team with SkillDirector’s upskilling program and expert guidance.

Don’t Let Your Financial Enterprise Become Obsolete

Finance enterprises are at an unprecedented fork in the road. Without a structured approach to skill development, your team's expertise will become outdated while competitors who rose to the challenges of modern-day times thrive in the marketplace. There are real risks to losing your stake in today’s industry by not upskilling your team.

However, just like any other time driven by unprecedented change, there are significant opportunities for those who adapt. The key to thriving is in supporting your team in gaining the knowledge and skills necessary for the financial industry of tomorrow.

SkillDirector is here to guide you from uncertainty to excellence. Start your journey towards a more skilled, adaptable, and thriving finance team now.

What Our Clients Say

I was looking how to "operationalize" competency models for my organization... I needed a platform that could take an employee from assessment through learning, practice, and re-assessment to new levels of proficiency. I found it in the Self-Directed Learning Engine. Besides that, I found excellent thought partnership AND customer service. Those experiences together moved SkillDirector from a vendor to a trusted advisor for me and my team.

SkillDirector SDLE Client

With help from the team at SkillDirector we identified the specific competencies required to become successful in the role of a Drive sales rep. Our competency model spanned critical skillsets from sales process, products, and the different systems required of the sales team to perform at their best like saleforce.com and SAP for sales reporting. At any given time, I can see where a particular individual, sales group or the entire sales organization is as with their skill development. I can see where our biggest skill gaps are nationally to help determine which skills we might want to focus on during a live training.

I can also measure skill gaps with accurate reporting to see if we are moving in the right direction. In fact, as we did a skill gap comparison over a 12-month period we could see where reps have made improvements based on their personalized development plans. I was pleased to see that every competency showed some improvement year on year.

Sales Director, Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare