4 ways Competency Models Increase Engagement
“Organizations that personalize what they’re able to offer their employees can expect improved engagement and retention.” -McKinsey
1) Make it consumable. By that I mean, do you have to read it, then re-read it to know what it means? Or is it easy to read and in the language of the people using it so they can know what great looks like? Often, we see a model that’s too academic. It should read as people in the role speak. It should state clearly what someone should be able to do. When high performers are involved in building it, this happens naturally. If not, this is when you need to bring them in for revisions.
2) Right size it. The most successful capability models have between 15 – 30 tasks. A capability model should describe what “great” looks like in the role – it’s not a complete task analysis of everything they do. If your model includes tasks that are not critical to success in that role, eliminate them.
3) Make it actionable. That means getting the model off the PowerPoint, out of the spreadsheets and into people’s hands. A competency model that isn’t easily accessible by those during the development process, and isn’t assessable such that one can measure their capabilities against it to identify and close gaps with competency-based learning is pretty worthless. One of my customers calls this “operationalizing the blueprint”.
4) Communicate the WIIFM! Ensure learners and their managers understand what’s in it for them. We provide our customers with toolkits containing messaging for change management. They span getting started with the model, driving a culture of learning and continuous development, tips for maximum use, recognition messages, and competition drivers between teams. Managers need to understand that NOT developing people is a risk. If people aren’t given the opportunity to grow, they’ll go somewhere they can. So give your audience tools and templates that make it easy for them to learn a new routine.
Follow these steps and you’ll increase both the usage and value of your capability model.