Build a culture of learning at the speed of business

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A culture of learning, powered by role-based competency models, can fix skill gaps and the negative impacts that result.

Want to convince leaders that a culture of learning solves the skill gap problem? Want to learn how to create a business case for influencing leaders to embrace a culture of learning? Join us for a free ATD Webcast, “Create A Culture Of Learning That Supports The Speed Of Business” on August 21, at 1pm US ET. Or watch the recording.

A culture of learning, powered by role-based competency models, can fix skill gaps and the negative impacts that result.

You must create a business case to highlight the cost of doing nothing

You’ll need to create a business case that shows leaders that the cost of doing nothing, (e.g., the cost of replacing people, the impact on creativity and innovation, and what turnover does to competitive advantage), far outweighs the costs of trying something different. We'll do this together in the ATD webcast, “Create A Culture Of Learning That Supports The Speed Of Business”.